Blue Flames Creative Conference 2023 February 24-25 All Access Pass (Day 1 &2) w/Custom Flag Kit – $95.00(45x45in), $115.00(45x65in) All Access Pass (Day 1 &2) – $35.00 Day One Only -$20.00 Day…
Apply Yourself to Purpose Apply: give one’s full attention to a task, or work hard. Synonyms: Diligent industrious, commitment, exert oneself, study hard, do one’s best, strive, pay attention be attentive. The…
O what peace we often forfeit. O what needless pain we bear. All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. ( Excerpt from the song, “What a Friend We…
Resist the urge to murmur and complain. It may be a burden God wants you to pray for or take action on. When things don’t play out how we imagine. It is…
ME: In the midst of this I’ve asked God for wisdom on what to do. I don’t think I have heard from Him yet. FRIEND: You have plenty of time to wait…
Welcome…Welcome! This past season I had the opportunity to take TWO modern dance classes. Now contemporary is totally my thing, but I was really feeling the modern class. I believe I LOVE…
3 Day Water Fast Journey to Healing! It’s cold and flu season, apparently my son decided to share his crude with me 🤢🤧. It is written 👀 fasting resets the immune system which, rest some…