Praise Dancer’s Rock Daily Inspiration: YOU+GOD=THE MAJORITY


A change of perspective is everything. Sometimes we don’t know what to do, because we can’t see what is really happening around our situation. When Elisha, the servant of Elijah saw what seemed to be countless attackers surrounding them, he asked Elijah, “What are we to do?” Elijah replied, “Don’t be afraid, there is more on our side than theirs.” Elijah prayed to God to open the eyes of Elisha, so that he may see. Elisha eyes were open to see the hills full of horses, chariots, and fire surrounding them! Be encouraged You and God make the Majority! You have more help than you can imagine to handle the situation.

Maya Spivey

Creative Founder

I am the Creative Blogger, Dancer, and Founder of Praise Dancer's Rock! I'm happily married with three kids or four on any given day, it depends on my husband's behavior :)! God LOVES me, and I'm glad about it! HE CAUSES ME TO TRIUMPH! In HIM, I Truly , LIVE, MOVE, AND HAVE MY BEING. Acts 17:28

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