Praise Dancer’s Rock Features: Called to Flag

This by far is the easiest and most joyous blog I have written yet. Husband and wife duo, David & Claire, are behind the phenomenal company, Called to Flag. The vision behind Called to Flag quoted from their website is as followed: ‘Called to Flag’ is to serve the Body of Christ by building and equipping others with the techniques & teachings of praise & worship flagging. We want to see fellow worshipers raised-up, healed and set free. Our goal is not only to make and sell the best quality handmade flags but to see people know their identity in the Father. Here at ‘Called to Flag’ we believe that the love of the Father is what sets us free to know that we are a son and a daughter.1 John 3:1 “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! ” (NIV).

The journey started when Claire made their 1 year old daughter a tiny set of flags with the leftover fabric she made herself a set of flags. David posted a video of Claire flagging that went viral, which ignited more request for flags. David at the time was a successful realtor. He shares with us, that he wasn’t enthusiastic about the flag making business. As God, would have it, the demand for flags increased so much so, to the point David retired as a realtor to assist his wife with making flags. Not only does he assist, but I saw him flagging as well, MY GOD!

Just a smidget about the product, the flags are so dynamic and beautiful beyond words. Ladies and gentlemen Called to Flags has the flexi-rods, or better said, their official name, Ultra Rods. Let me just say this. I have searched the Heavens and Earth to find flexi rods. I wanted rods that flexed so much so, that I ordered 24 inch balloon rods. So imagine my enthusiasm when I saw the UTLRA RODS on their site. They assist in making the rods by receiving them from their manufacturer and modifying them to their specifications on arrival. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Soooo, I asked what was there marketing strategy, why are they so successful? They have a Facebook following of over 16,000 and have created a thriving online community with their videos on YouTube with well over 13,000 subscribers. Their answer!

We work hard, but we don’t try hard!

Meaning that they are diligent in creating their products, but they don’t try to promote themselves. I wish I could express how the interview totally shifted into a MINISTRY MOMENT! As the couple began to speak you could literally feel the presence of God. Claire began to describe how God opens door for them. She told a story of visiting a friend and it turned into an open door to minister through flagging. They even describe doors opening which enabled them to grace the Bethel Stage. (BIG DEAL PEOPLE) The couples humbleness radiates. They had so much wisdom to share from their journey, that believer’s and the world need to hear. Let me bullet point just a few they shared………

  • You will not miss anything (I heard be patient, wait on God! If it’s for you it will happen in His perfect timing.)
  • You don’t have to stress (I heard stop worrying about every thing and trust God.
    Focus on God not on the flags (I heard you should not idolized or worship your gift or talent, but Worship the one who Gave it to you.)
  • Don’t put power in the flags, the Power is in you, start acting like it!!! (MESSAGE NO INTERPRETATION NEEDED!!!)

As the interview closed, I asked what is the message they want everyone to know. Simply stated David and Claire,

Identity, know who you are!

They hope that people will awaken to knowing their Sonship. To know they the are a true son or daughter of God. Secondly, they want people to know, God is after our hearts. David and Claire are truly a beautiful couple, we pray that God will continue bless them, as they serve. We often end the blog with David and Claire you are Praise Dancer’s Who Rock, but we will totally change that to David and Claire, You are FLAGGERS who totally ROCK!

Check Out Called to Flag! Click on the Links Below!!!!

Maya Spivey

Creative Founder

I am the Creative Blogger, Dancer, and Founder of Praise Dancer's Rock! I'm happily married with three kids or four on any given day, it depends on my husband's behavior :)! God LOVES me, and I'm glad about it! HE CAUSES ME TO TRIUMPH! In HIM, I Truly , LIVE, MOVE, AND HAVE MY BEING. Acts 17:28

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